New Blog, Who Dis?

In which I talk about the final(?) consolidation of my many, many blogs.

Over the past 15 years I have created half-a-dozen blogs spread around different sites and content engines (WordPress, even a Tumblr). Some are gone forever because the hosting service is gone (mostly rescued via the Wayback Machine, and others I had to shut down because they were very old sites that became difficult (and time-consuming) to keep updated. However, the shutdown meant that one of my main "entry points" to my blogs was now offline. So, the hunt for a new blogging engine, as well as a site for my company (Spiral Learning), was begun.

I'm probably going to end up with a Hugo site, because I like the idea of a static engine (vs. a heavyweight WordPress site), and I prefer to use markup vs. a pseudo-WYSIWYG editor. Unfortunately, I can't find a Hugo theme that is both aesthetically pleasing and supports the kind of posts that I want to create.

In the meantime, I'm trying out Publii, which is a nice environment, but doesn't let me write in markup, so once I get my Hugo theme straightened out, I'll switch back.