Ted M. Young

Ports & Adapters & Burgers (SVCC)

At this past weekend's Silicon Valley Code Camp (SVCC), I gave a talk on the Ports & Adapters architecture (aka Hexagonal) as implemented in Java and Spring Boot. I tried to squeeze what's normally a multi-day class into a 60 minute talk, and I hope…

Human Learning Talk (SVCC)

This was the 3rd time I've given this talk, and each time I realize how much more there is to talk about! I got some great questions and comments afterward, so thanks for that. It was video recorded, so as soon as the video is…

self.conference 2018: Presentation Slides

Thanks again to the self.conference folks for allowing me to talk about Human Learning at the conference. For those who came here by way of my talk, my slides are here. Would love to hear feedback, questions, criticism, etc. via Twitter (public or DM) where I'm @jitterted.